Friday, April 10, 2015

Maximizing your workout, the necessary lifts

Maximizing your workout, the necessary lifts

Everyone wants to get stronger, leaner, and overall healthier. Working out in the gym is a good place to start. The problem people run into is, "What lifts/exercises should I do?". First off let me say, any gym time will be beneficial as long as correct form is used. If you want to maximize your time in the gym, there are certain lifts that should be added to your routine. Also you should remember that machines are your enemy. Machines limit accessary muscles from being activated eventually leading to a muscle imbalance. What were the lifts that can maximize your workout you ask?

The deadlift is a full body workout that incorporates both upper chain and lower chain. The reason why deadlift is the "lift of all lifts" is because it pounds your hamstrings and gluteus. Not only does it engage your lower chain, it isometrically works your upper chain. All movement force in a deadlift comes from the gluteus and hamstrings.

Here it is again, the bridge. This exercise can be done, literally, by all age groups. It activates the gluteus, abdominal wall, and assists in fixing any pelvic problems. 

Neutral Grip Chin-up 
 The reason why I specified neutral grip is because neutral grip puts less stress on the shoulder. A chin up engages the whole back and biceps. 

All these exercises have one thing in common, they're working large muscle groups with big movements. The key to maximize an individuals workout is to engage large muscle groups with plenty of range of motion. Utilizing big movements help increase testosterone levels, HGH levels, and more accessary muscles are used. To put it simple, you get more bang for your buck

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nutrition, how can nutrition affect your workout?

Nutrition, how can nutrition affect your workout? 

It is important to remember moderation while dealing with nutrition, but we have to bend the rules a little when preparing for an intense workout. The pre-workout meal is an important player for anyones upcoming training session.

Carbohydrates are essential 2-4 hours before a workout You can assume, in general, that dietary fat takes around 6-8 hours to digest, protein 3-4 hours, and carbohydrates 2-3 hours. Of course these dietary time frames are dependent on the source of the nutrient. Carbohydrates are a great and crucial fuel source for maximizing performance during a workout. Amino acids could also be utilized during a pre-workout meal. Usually during training, ATP is burned which creates AMP. High levels of AMP causes the protein AMPK to activate which reduces protein synthesis. Studies show that amino acids do not increase post workout protein synthesis, but they do keep protein synthesis steady during intense training.

While carbohydrates are essential before a workout, proteins are essential for post-workout. Fitness experts recommend 1.2 grams of protein per 1 pound of body weight. One may think, Whey protein is the answer to my problems. While Whey protein is a great supplement, it takes around one hour to absorb 8-10 grams of protein from Whey. The best option would be to intake Whey protein immediately after an individuals workout, or during the cool down. Glucose uptake and protein synthesis is increased by 600% up to 45 minutes after a workout.

Remember, Eat Real Food.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Nutrition, The do’s and don’ts of eating healthy

Nutrition, The do’s and don’ts of eating healthy 

Nutrition is a tricky subject. Fad diets constantly change as people are trying to find "what works". The truth is, what works for someone else, may not work for another individual. Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins are all macronutrients and are important in a healthy diet. The question is, what amounts are appropriate for a healthy lifestyle? What if if I told you, there is no appropriate amount? Moderation, is, and, has, always been "key" when trying to decide nutritional choices.

Even though moderation is key, there are still "don'ts" when trying to be healthy. You probably know trans-fat, high fructose corn syrup, msg, and sugar are all horrible for your health, right? All those ingredients I mentioned have one thing in common, they are additives. Additives to food, such as sugar, are slowly harming individuals throughout the nation. Chronic diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and neurological disorders can all be linked to various additives we consume. The most effective way to avoid these additives is surprisingly simple, stick to real food!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Pelvis, Road Map To A Pain Free Life

The Pelvis, Road Map To A Pain Free Life 

When a personal trainer talks about correct pelvis positioning and alignment, it sounds strange doesn't it? Pelvis alignment really is "all that and a bag of chips". Having correct pelvis alignment can lead to decrease; back, knee, and even foot pain. Think of your pelvis as the support beams of a building; if the beams are miss aligned, then the weight distribution throughout the building would be faulty.

A pelvis can have an anterior tilt (lordotic back), posterior tilt (flat back), forward shift (Swayback), or neutral tilt (perfect posture). The majority of people will have an anterior pelvic tilt. With a pelvic tilt an individual's body will adapt, without fixing the problem, to re-allign the body. This re-allignment will cause the head, shoulder, knee, and foot too reposition itself. Eventually the joints will become stressed to the point where discomfort, or pain, will arise. The problem worsens as the pelvic tilt lingers. An individual will start using certain muscle groups more and compensating certain movements with the specific muscle groups. The compensation of muscles will lead to a muscular imbalance. Who would of thought the hips were that important? The question now is, how do we fix the problem?

Think of your pelvis being in the middle of a "tug a war" match between the Quadriceps, Abdominals, Gluteus Maximus, and Hamstrings. If a muscle group becomes too weak the opposing muscle group will tilt the hips. In juxaposition, if a muscle group is tight or short, the hips will be pulled toward the tight and or short muscle group. Fixing a pelvis alignment problem is all about balance. While strengthening the weak muscles, it is also important to stretch and lengthen all four muscle groups. Below are a couple of movements and workouts that can help fix a pelvic tilt (directed towards anterior pelvic tilt).


Bridging is an exercise I would recommend for anyone. Honestly, you might get annoyed by how often I discuss and recommend bridging, but bridging engages the abdominal and gluteus muscle groups. As stated before, the hips are in a constant game of "tug a war", and the abdominal and gluteus muscle groups are usually the weak players. Strengthening both muscle groups by bridging can, and will, help transition your hips into a more natural position.   

Core Press 

Core press will help strengthen both the abdominals and gluteus by anti rotational work. The body, during a core press, is constantly fighting the urge to rotate towards the cable machine. To stay in neutral position, the individual flexes their abdominals and fires their gluteus.

AB rollers

Ab rollers are a very effective abdominal core exercise. Unlike core press, ab rollers are resisting thoracic extensions . It is important to keep the buttocks in posterior tilt; this will reduce stress on the spine and increase stress on the abdominals.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Thine Body is a Temple

Thine Body is a Temple

Physical activity does not have to happen in a overly large room filled with muscle addicts who strive to lift that one extra repetition. Even though I count myself as one who attends the gym as if it were a church, physical activity is any activity that requires energy expenditure. ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends 150-minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. The words "Physical activity is good for ones health" are heard everyday from various sources. The question remains, why is being active good for my health?

Everyone knows being active can decrease risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and increase life longevity. Did you know that when you exercise your body releases endorphins which create feelings of happiness and euphoria? From combating diabetes too preventing cognitive decline, the benefits of exercise are numerous. If exercise seems to be the cure for societies problems, why aren't people more inclined to workout? Is it the fact that exercise requires work, that it's time consuming, or possibly society doesn't have the desire to exercise? Personally, it is my belief that education is the reason why people are not more inclined to workout. People do not fully understand the benefits that follows habitual exercise. If an individual treats his body as if it were a temple, than the body will return the favor in abundance. Below is a list of "at home exercises" that are simple and easy. Everyone says they'll "get around" too working out, why not start today?


Bridging is one of the best exercises that incorporates the Abdominals, Gluteus Maximus, and Hip stability muscles. It can easily be done at one's home or on a strangers property. The technique for a bridge is as following: Flex Gluteus Maximus and abdominals, push through the hill of the foot and squeeze the Gluteus Maximus until body is in a straight line, hold position for 10-15 seconds, and repeat. 

Bulgarian Single Leg Squats:

The Bulgarian Single Leg Squat is an excellent exercise, that can be done at home, to work the quadriceps. Grab a chair, couch, or even a coffee table, the only necessary equipment is a place to hold your foot. Please take note that the equipment should hold the foot around knee level. To perform a Bulgarian Split Squat one needs too place their foot on a knee level platform, as stated before, while their opposite leg makes a 90 degree angle while kneeling. The individual will then push through their foot and quadriceps until they are in standing position.


Everyone has heard of a pushup and performed a repetition at one point in their lives. Push ups are ultimately one of the best non-weighted upper body exercises an individual can do at home. To preform a push up, it is best to start in a plank position with the hands directly inline with the shoulder. Once in position fully extend the arm pronating the scapula forwards. While coming back down into plank position, retract the scapula together to create tension in the back. Remember to keep the body straight during all movements.

Pull up:

Pull ups are a great exercise to work the Latissimus Dorsi and Biceps. Pull ups are relatively simple and easy to preform, though begginers may need assistance. To perform a Pull up an individual needs to have an edge that they can pull their body, more importantly their chin, over the edge.