Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nutrition, how can nutrition affect your workout?

Nutrition, how can nutrition affect your workout? 

It is important to remember moderation while dealing with nutrition, but we have to bend the rules a little when preparing for an intense workout. The pre-workout meal is an important player for anyones upcoming training session.

Carbohydrates are essential 2-4 hours before a workout You can assume, in general, that dietary fat takes around 6-8 hours to digest, protein 3-4 hours, and carbohydrates 2-3 hours. Of course these dietary time frames are dependent on the source of the nutrient. Carbohydrates are a great and crucial fuel source for maximizing performance during a workout. Amino acids could also be utilized during a pre-workout meal. Usually during training, ATP is burned which creates AMP. High levels of AMP causes the protein AMPK to activate which reduces protein synthesis. Studies show that amino acids do not increase post workout protein synthesis, but they do keep protein synthesis steady during intense training.

While carbohydrates are essential before a workout, proteins are essential for post-workout. Fitness experts recommend 1.2 grams of protein per 1 pound of body weight. One may think, Whey protein is the answer to my problems. While Whey protein is a great supplement, it takes around one hour to absorb 8-10 grams of protein from Whey. The best option would be to intake Whey protein immediately after an individuals workout, or during the cool down. Glucose uptake and protein synthesis is increased by 600% up to 45 minutes after a workout.

Remember, Eat Real Food.

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